Dear parents & carers,
Another wonderfully busy week at Bushmead. The children continue to work hard, and our team are providing an exciting, varied curriculum for them.
Mrs Lynda McPheat, our family worker, will be retiring at the end of the term. Mrs McPheat has made an enormous contribution to supporting children and families at our school, and we wish her well.
Driving and parking remains a challenge. Please take individual responsibility for how you park and drive around the school. If everyone did their part, it would make life easier for everyone. Always consider how you would want drivers to behave around your child.
We do have a crossing patrol officer on Bushmead Road. His role is to help children cross the road safely. Please be respectful of our staff. He is merely trying to do his job, so please be patient. Abuse of our staff will not be tolerated.
Our values' assembly today celebrated pupils and staff, who particularly demonstrated respect in November. It is always wonderful to celebrate children's achievements and I have been impressed by how many children have come forward to nominate staff.
We are looking forward to a plethora of FOBS Christmas events in the coming week. A huge thank you to our FOBS volunteers for organising this!
Have a lovely weekend.
Joanne Travi