Dear parents & carers,
We have had a very busy week at Bushmead. The children worked hard, as have our staff! We received some great training on improving our questioning techniques to enhance learning! The days of hands up if you know the answer are well and truly in the past. Do ask your children what happens in their class.
Thank you, our school attendance is continuing to improve! Well done 1 Hazel.
Best class - 1 Hazel 100%
Whole school - 95.5%
We held a Remembrance Assembly today and our children observed a moment of silent reflection and learnt about the meaning behind the poppy. We referred to our value of respect. A lovely learning point.
Next is Anti - Bullying Week. Children may wear odd-socks on Monday and there will be activities throughout the week to promote positive relationships and our value of the month, respect. You should now have received a copy of your Parent Pack.
It is also World Kindness Day on Monday and we can never have enough kindness!
At the time of writing, 62 of our pupils have raised £2, 246.40 for Children in Need. AMAZING!! Imagine if at least some of the other 700 children took part.... every donation helps.
You can sign up here: THANK YOU.
Have a wonderful weekend,
Joanne Travi