Dear parents & carers,
Wellbeing Week has been brilliant. The older and younger children have enjoyed working together, and we have seen of our older children flourish and grow in confidence with the responsibility. And the younger children have enjoyed getting to know their older counterparts.
Our KS2 survey has highlighted interesting points and our team are keen to pull together the information and take action to improve children's mental health and wellbeing at school, as well as give them tools for life.
I thought I would address some of the issues raised by the NEU industrial action.
Bushmead staff are members of a variety of Unions. All staff are encouraged to join a Union as it gives them impartial advice, professional development and support, and protection in the event that something goes wrong.
As yet I do not know how many staff members will take industrial action. But if staff do strike, I would like it to be clear it is because they care about children, our school and education as a whole.
Although all staff received a pay rise this year, there was no funding for this in this year's budget, it had to be paid out of current funds. That means less in other areas. Less resources for children, less support staff for children that most need it and fewer opportunities to plan improvements for example our school building. The additional funding that has been announced will not be received until the next financial year, and it will not cover this year's cost.
Therefore, please do bear in mind, any decision made by staff to strike is not simply about personal pay. Although being recompensed appropriately for highly skilled jobs is important too.
I will advise parents about what will happen on the 1st February as soon as possible. School will be open in some capacity.
Kind regards,
Joanne Travi