Dear parents & carers,
We have had our visit from Ofsted. They called on Tuesday, to say they would be arriving the next day for a full graded inspection. We have had four inspectors review all aspects of school life with all stakeholders including parents, Governors, staff and pupils. They visited many lessons, saw playtimes and lunch, they spoke to children formally and informally (all their choice) and asked for evidence for everything that we said we do as a school. They reviewed parent, pupil and staff surveys and discussed the significant points raised. It is thorough, demanding and rigorous. Their report will be quality assured in the coming weeks, and then it will be shared with staff and families.
In the meantime, I can say, I am incredibly proud of our team. Bushmead staff pulled together to support each other through the process and were, as always, professional and caring. We were able to show what we do every day to care for and educate your children.
The children were absolutely fantastic. How lucky are we!
Thank you to Louise and the Conkers team for their club over the last 5 years at Bushmead.
Twilight Club starts on June 6th (Monday 5th is an INSET day). If you would like to sign up for our Breakfast or Twilight Clubs please see the information on our website BREAKFAST & TWILIGHT CLUB or contact the school office.
We have been working with the English Nation Opera for a number of years. This week Yr 1 have been learning all about the Magic Flute - you can watch 1 Maples's video on our YouTube channel:
Congratulations to Mrs Ahmed and our maths teams! We came 4th out of 135 schools and have qualified fo the Mathematical Knowledge finals at Oxford University! A credit to our pupils and our maths teaching. Super exciting.
Everything is crossed for all our Luton Town supporters!
Please be reminded that children are due back on TUESDAY 6th June.
The RSHE resources presentation will take place on Tuesday 6th at 9.00 and Wednesday 7th at 5.30pm.
Have a lovely half-term.
Joanne Travi