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Young Voices

The choir have been hard at work this term learning the songs for our Young Voices concert in February. They are doing a fantastic job with so many tricky lyrics and melodies to learn. Well done to all those children who have logged in to the My Classmate learning platform and are practising the songs at home. If you haven’t logged in yet, please have a go as it makes the choir experience even more enjoyable! Log in details can be found on the choir ParentMail sent 15 November 2022.

Christingle at Christchurch

The choir have been invited back to sing at the Christingle service at Bushmead Christchurch again this year. It was a lovely function last year with the majority of the choir able to perform. This year’s Christingle service is on Sunday 11th December at 10:30. It would be lovely to have as many choir members as possible to join us. More details to follow in the coming weeks.

Bushmead Choir Carol Concert

We would like to invite parents and carers to the last choir rehearsal on Tuesday 13th December at 3:45 for a Christmas carol concert. Tea and coffee will be provided. We would be grateful if you could bring a donation of mince pies or Christmas snacks. Choir will finish at the usual time of 4:30.